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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blogging is beautiful

Hello you,I know it's been awhile.I have been busy with life as well as my thoughts,there are a lot of new things on the horizon,I've become a thrift shopper,which is a great idea. Percy is closer to completing his purchase of the wedding rings(we will enjoy marriage soon) he will also be moving in.this space is going to get much smaller,however I will soon be looking for a larger place to live.My job is said to expiring on 2/29/12. It is shocking but I can/ will find other employment,perhaps parttime,or I can just volunteer.Well that my most recent update,there will be more.Peace.!!!!

1 comment:

  1. How come u never told me that u were a blogger? Lol. I'm feeling a little left out.
