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Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hello,I've been gone for awhile,just living life.alot has happend since I last entered an entry.I got married,I got laid off,I received a 80 inch t.v.from my husband on Easter. I am sure your wondering about the title,well lets get into it.I have a very small circle of friends,the few friends that I have,are friends indeed for many different reasons.In the past I have went outside my circle of friends to befriend others,however in doing this,something always went way wrong.Just recently an outside of the circle (aquantance) went totally off on me,[ kinda like a scorned lover] she[ we will call her M] is mad at the fact that I spent time with her good\only friend[we will call her L], and she wanted L to come see her in her city.Well once again I have been upset by someone that is outside my friend circle,so this leasson is learned and relearned.I DON`T DO BITCHES AT ALL!!!!!!