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Monday, September 5, 2011


  1. Good day all,I thought I would insert a random picture of myself,in hopes that you may get an idea of what I'm saying in my posts.making friends online is very difficult let alone to ask someone to follow your blog, but I know if the blog is there,they indeed will come....

  2. You are correct! You should Blog Hop. If you search "Monday" (or the use any days of the week) blog hop in Google search engine it will give you a list of bloggers that blog hop. For example type "monday blog hop" Basically you just enter your blog on someone else page and visit other bloggers. Follow them, leave them a comment and ask them to follow you.

    I hope this help. If you want, you can host on my blog, I'll leave a link to you blog. You just introduce yourself and tell why you started blogging and what your blog is about.

    Let me know if your interested.

    Have a great week!
