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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Help is on the way

Hello again; Once again I am feeling the need to write,or type,I have often felt the need before now,however just dismissed it,saying to myself.''Does anyone really read your blog'' ?????? I do however read other people's blogs,so I'm sure someone somewhere reads mines.Anywho,alot has went on in my live since the last time I wrote,I am still unemployed,but I love the freedom of being alone most of the day.I had a weekend parttime job,that I really enjoyed,taking care of a former Rev/postalworker  with the beginning stages of ALZHEIMR'S.The job itself was great,not very demanding (as I was just the weekend girl) however the person that I was caring for sometimes had issues,but that was ok,I really enjoy that type of work.I use to listen to all the stories he told about his life,and his family.I really enjoyed those stories,and hung on to every word.Well within the last few weeks he had a series of small strokes,and had to be put in the hospital.When you work so closely with a person, you almost take on a family member role without even knowing it.I am sure I will go and visit him at least once,before he goes into the nursing home.I love the seniors the paved the way for is,to have many things,and the only way I feel that I can thank them is by working with them,listening to there stories,and assisting them with whatever they need.I love the feeling I get when I help anyone.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hello,I've been gone for awhile,just living life.alot has happend since I last entered an entry.I got married,I got laid off,I received a 80 inch t.v.from my husband on Easter. I am sure your wondering about the title,well lets get into it.I have a very small circle of friends,the few friends that I have,are friends indeed for many different reasons.In the past I have went outside my circle of friends to befriend others,however in doing this,something always went way wrong.Just recently an outside of the circle (aquantance) went totally off on me,[ kinda like a scorned lover] she[ we will call her M] is mad at the fact that I spent time with her good\only friend[we will call her L], and she wanted L to come see her in her city.Well once again I have been upset by someone that is outside my friend circle,so this leasson is learned and relearned.I DON`T DO BITCHES AT ALL!!!!!!